Destan Episode 20 in Urdu & English Subtitles Watch Online

Destan Episode 20 in Urdu & English Subtitles Episode Title: Bolum / Episode 20 Release Date in English Subtitles: 20th April, 2022 at 6am Release Date in Urdu Subtitles: 20th April, 2022 at 10am “My head is high as a khan, but my head is bowed as a father!” In Destan Episode 20 in Urdu, […] The post Destan Episode 20 in Urdu & English Subtitles Watch Online appeared first on Kurulus Osman Season 3 Urdu Subtitles - Niazi TV.

Jul 18, 2022 - 08:40
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Destan Episode 20 in Urdu & English Subtitles Watch Online

Destan Episode 20 in Urdu & English Subtitles

  • Episode Title: Bolum / Episode 20
  • Release Date in English Subtitles: 20th April, 2022 at 6am
  • Release Date in Urdu Subtitles: 20th April, 2022 at 10am

“My head is high as a khan, but my head is bowed as a father!”

In Destan Episode 20 in Urdu, Akkız’s move corners Ulu Ece. Alpagu Khan asks why the ring that Temur wore at his birth came off Vargı Beg. Has Ulu Ece come to the end of the road? Akkız, who made her move to Ulu Ece, followed Kaya with Temur and went to the Western Gök Khanate. Will Akkız and Temur be able to make Kaya confess everything?

Will Mejin get rid of all her opponents with one game?

Mei Jin, who saved Batuga and closed it in a pit so that the blame of the mountain raid would not fall on them, on the orders of his emperor father, is sure when Kaya accuses them; Ulu Ece and Kaya made the mountain raid. He enters the second phase of his game and secretly informs Kaya where he is holding Batuga. Immediately after, he sends Alpagu Khan there. According to the game he has set up in Destan Episode 22 in Urdu, Kaya will kill Batuga, and Alpagu will see that one of his sons has killed his other son. Will Mei Jin’s game be successful?

Episode 22 in Urdu Subtitles

The evil plan of Cholpan and Balamir!

Colpan, who was destroyed by the great slaughter in his tribe, vows to leave the streets of Gök as empty as Dağ and comes to Gök Orda with Balamir. Their evil plan is one that can end not only the Sky Palace but also the Gök Khanate, but they find Saltuk in front of them. Despite his love for Saltuk Çolpan in Destan Episode 22 in Urdu Subtitles, will he be able to reveal this plan?

Alpagu Khan’s big move in Destan Bolum 20

While everyone is trying to manipulate Alpagu Khan, Alpagu Khan makes his own big move in Destan Episode 22 in Urdu Subtitles. How will this move, which will force everyone to make a very difficult decision, affect the future of the country and family?

Destan Episode 20 in English Subtitles Watch Online

Akkız’s move corners Ulu Ece. Alpagu Khan asks why the ring that Temur wore at his birth came off Vargı Beg. Has Ulu Ece come to the end of the road? Akkız, who made her move to Ulu Ece, followed Kaya with Temur and went to the Western Gök Khanate. Will Akkız and Temur be able to make Kaya confess everything in Destan Episode 22 in English Subtitles?

Mei Jin, who saved Batuga and closed it in a pit so that the blame of the mountain raid would not fall on them, on the orders of his emperor father, is sure when Kaya accuses them; Ulu Ece and Kaya made the mountain raid. He enters the second phase of his game and secretly informs Kaya where he is holding Batuga. Immediately after, he sends Alpagu Khan there in Destan Episode 22 in Urdu Subtitles.

Episode 22 in English Subtitles

According to the game he has set up, Kaya will kill Batuga, and Alpagu will see that one of his sons has killed his other son. Will Mei Jin’s game be successful Colpan, who was destroyed by the great slaughter in his tribe, vows to leave the streets of Gök as empty as Dağ and comes to Gök Orda with Balamir. Their evil plan is one that can end not only the Sky Palace but also the Gök Khanate, but they find Saltuk in front of them.

Despite his love for Saltuk Çolpan, will he be able to reveal this plan? While everyone is trying to manipulate Alpagu Khan, Alpagu Khan makes his own big move. How will this move, which will force everyone to make a very difficult decision, affect the future of the country and family?

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