Soz Season 2 Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitles (The Oath) – NiaziPlay
In the Soz Season 2 Episode 35, The Promise, the team tries to get out of two difficult situations at the same time. On the one hand, an attempt is being made on Nazli, and you need to try to save her. On the other hand, Kaylak organizes a new villainy. Thanks to the heroism […] The post Soz Season 2 Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitles (The Oath) – NiaziPlay appeared first on Kurulus Osman Season 3 Urdu Subtitles - Niazi TV.

In the Soz Season 2 Episode 35, The Promise, the team tries to get out of two difficult situations at the same time. On the one hand, an attempt is being made on Nazli, and you need to try to save her. On the other hand, Kaylak organizes a new villainy. Thanks to the heroism of Nazli’s team, Nazli manages to escape an assassination attempt by Derman’s men, but she is seriously injured. The heroes encounter a treacherous ambush as they attempt to return to Turkey. Hafez’s team manages to overtake Kaylak and prevent the implementation of his plan.
The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitles, Huma Hatun and Esma was assumed to the conveyance position, His Highness Emir. The Unita transport is holding up in the cove. You became one with Unita and offered my family to Pietro, right Karabay? How treats make a difference to you? You will kick the bucket soon in any case. See, even the one who was your shadow until yesterday couldn’t have cared less with regards to you. A debt of gratitude is in order for the news, Isabel. In any case, you didn’t pay attention to the remainder of the news, His Holiness. Hüma Hatun and Esma were assumed to the conveyance position. In any case, not the knights of Rhodes Oruç’s occasions took it. Karabay met with Shahbaz. Then, at that point, Aunt Hüma and Esma were removed from the emirate.
Soz Season 2 Episode 35 in Urdu Subtitles
In the event that there is Shahbaz required, there is additionally Unita. A boat of Unita moored in the narrows. There were likewise Rhodes knights inside. That is the reason Karabay met Shahbaz. Hüma to limit our options he will send Esma to Pietro with his auntie. Take the occasions. Right away save them, Ilyas. The pleasure is all mine, Ağa Reis. You deceived me. Pass on those! Fighters! This is Emir Karabay’s voice. Run! party! Ok, your most lovely specialty up to this point. I have given the insidious you have done to me to your eagerness and animosity. However, the way that you seized the weapons I will gas, offering my family to the heathens Killing my janissaries and occasions is sheer treachery. They are your foes, not mine.
Soz – The Oath Episode 35 in Urdu Subtitles
The adversary of my foe is my companion. They are the adversaries of the universe of Islam. You took the side of the adversaries of Islam against the individuals who seek after the reason for God. This is the greatest disloyalty, Karabay. In the event that it were dependent upon me, perhaps I would pardon you. Yet, for the universe of Islam, I will rebuff you. In the event that you kill me, you will cause problems. Indeed, even the Ottomans will be antagonistic to you. The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitles, You can do nothing to me. Mary, Mary. In the event that I hadn’t come here, who can say for sure when we could have discovered that he had grabbed you? Maria! Yet, I will save you. I will get it out of here. He didn’t miss. I came. Did the ahis take the firearms? They took it.
The Oath – Soz Season 2 Episode 35 in Urdu Subtitles
They will stack them generally on the boat. What will you do now, Fasting? We have completed the deceiver in Alexandria. There is just something single left. To save your sibling. How treat mean have arrived, Meryem? This is the foe fortification. For what reason do you come to the foe’s palace? Not them, you are the genuine adversary. Open the entryway! Open the entryway! However long you stay here, you will be a detainee of falsehoods. We need to get out. We should vacate the premises. open the entryway. Open it, we’ll break it. open the entryway. How, how would you do this, Meryem? How? We’ll take you to Commander Pietro, walk. Mary. Meryem, the genuine adversary, they are Meryem.
Soz Season 2 Episode 35 in Urdu Subtitles Watch Online
They are the genuine foe. Take this. Mary. Mary. Is it true or not that you are certain this is Unita’s basement, Şahin? I inspected it with careful consideration, I’m certain have arrived. God, I want to believe that we can save my sibling easily. Unita rigorously watches such basements. It tends to be exceptionally perilous inside, watch out. Much thanks to you for your assistance, Şahin, inside, Şahbaz too perhaps, assuming that you need, you can return. The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitles, Shahbaz isn’t my sibling, he is my foe. I’m additionally my adversary I know well how to treat, not stress. Okay, let the attack start. Before long, Commander Pietro remove your head time will end all your aggravation, Khidr. Hold tight Khizr. My head won’t tumble off until I remove your heads in general. Khizr would you say you are alright? I’m fine I’m fine.
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