Soz Season 2 Episode 36 with Urdu Subtitles (The Oath) – NiaziPlay

The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 36 With Urdu Subtitles, Either give up or we’ll take your head. I suffered the consequence for Emir Karabay’s unfairness. Allow your state to take a gander at the unfairness submitted by its emir as opposed to playing with me. Presently move, we’ll come to the attack of Kalymnos. […] The post Soz Season 2 Episode 36 with Urdu Subtitles (The Oath) – NiaziPlay appeared first on Kurulus Osman Season 3 Urdu Subtitles - Niazi TV.

Jun 6, 2022 - 14:14
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Soz Season 2 Episode 36 with Urdu Subtitles (The Oath) – NiaziPlay

The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 36 With Urdu Subtitles, Either give up or we’ll take your head. I suffered the consequence for Emir Karabay’s unfairness. Allow your state to take a gander at the unfairness submitted by its emir as opposed to playing with me. Presently move, we’ll come to the attack of Kalymnos. You can’t go anyplace, we will either convey you or take your dead. Kılıçoğlu Şahin, you can go. I won’t leave a friend out and about, if Oruç assuming you will take it, you’ll get me as well. Assuming he will pass on, I will pass on as well. Release Isabel, your concern is with me. Alright, he can go. What do you say, Oruç, how might I leave you and go?

Soz Season 2 Episode 36 in Urdu Subtitles

Go get your sister, Isabel, your sister is hanging tight for you. Obviously, we will figure out how to dispose of them, we should go at this point. Obliterate them all. They search for us wherever from the Karabay murder. In Soz Season 2 Episode 36, we should leave these grounds rapidly before they fall under the control of the Mamluks. Khidr has additionally been in Kalymnos for quite a while. We should get to Mytilene straightaway and begin arrangements, come on. Much obliged. Express gratitude toward God we seared the injury on schedule and halted the blood, say thanks to God. The treatment I apply will recuperate instantly. Assuming I thought for quite some time, I could never have believed that Meryem would shoot you.

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Soz – The Oath Season 2 Episode 36 in Urdu Subtitles

Incidentally, Meryem was a blade that trapped in us all along. So he let us know where our covert operatives were. Meryem, how could you do this to us? Up until this point I have seen no sign that Meryem was a covert agent. Dervish’s dad raised this young lady. In the event that he was a covert agent, he would have seen first. The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 36 With Urdu Subtitles, What do I know, I can’t deal with it. What more indication of Khidr? When I followed him, he was concealed in the forest didn’t he go to meet a mysterious individual? Also didn’t I see Pietro close to where he went, Khidr? Everything is convoluted to such an extent that you can’t call it a covert agent I am persuaded to say that my tongue doesn’t reach or not.

Soz Season 2 Episode 36 with Urdu Subtitles

This business is tackled when this bunch is vanquished by Kalymnos. It is bound to be harmed by the hands of our friends and family in the foe’s den. However, above all else, obligation precedes our friends and family. My master of the quick will come to Kalymnos at the earliest opportunity. We really want to report that Meryem and the covert operatives are in bondage. Will I let you know that he shot you as well? No, it’s excessive, I’ll let you know when essential. The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 36 With Urdu Subtitles, My fasting master will come for the attack, we were unable to track down any more valuable data. Stop, Khidr, stop. Demircan, for the victory on the ground of the sanctuary, said that they made a helpful planning. There will undoubtedly be a here thing.

Episode 36 in Urdu Subtitles

Soz Season 2 Episode 36 in Urdu Subtitles Watch Now

There is a positive thing here. There is a here thing. Help Nico. There are burrows outside the palace, my lions are mine. This is the data that will go about our business. Whenever the attack starts, we will slip through this entryway and overcome the palace. That is the point at which we will save our Valiants We will settle the secret with regards to Mary later. Soz Season 2 Episode 36, where are Khidr and Piri stowing away in Kalymnos? Talk. Soz Season 2 Episode 35, your banana power is sufficient, you have no words. Both Hızır Reis and Piri Reis will doubtlessly fall on you. Then, at that point, you will find your solution. Both of those bosses will pass on in distress at our hands. Particularly that Piri, I will make him lament the day he was conceived. To endure at our hands currently, shout out.

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